Monday, August 20, 2018

I am Wild about Yellowstone!

With the help of Yellowstone National Park, I am bringing Yellowstone to my preschool.  We will be learning about the terrain with the mud pots, geysers and hot pools.  Then there are the amazing water falls.  And we won't forget the wonderful wildlife; bears, bison, wolves, birds, etc. and their habitat!  There will be fun lesson plans, games and webcams to enjoy and learn from.  I have beautiful illustrated books, animal identification cards, book marks, etc. for you to take home.  Come and explore Yellowstone National Park!

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

2018-2019 School Year

Hello Everyone!  I am so excited for the new school year!  The school year starts out with making new friends, writing in our alphabet books, reading and learning about apples, volcanoes and animal habitats, etc..  Come join me on this great journey!